Welcome to the Syllabus for WeMakeCoder's Guaranteed Placement Full Stack Course

Basic Frontend Development

HTML Basics

  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML Syntax and Structure
  • Common HTML Tags
  • Semantic HTML
  • Forms and Input Elements

CSS Fundamentals

  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS Selectors and Properties
  • CSS Box Model
  • Flexbox Layout
  • CSS Grid Layout

Project: Zerodha.com UI Clone

Replicate the UI of Zerodha.com

Cover all basic HTML and CSS topics

Deploy project to a server

Advanced Styling with CSS Frameworks

🅱️ Bootstrap Basics

Learn the fundamentals of Bootstrap framework for building responsive and mobile-first websites.

  • Grid System
  • Responsive Design
  • Components
  • Utilities
  • Customization

🌀 Tailwind CSS Essentials

Explore the core concepts of Tailwind CSS framework for rapid UI development.

  • Utility-First Approach
  • Responsive Design
  • Component Styling
  • Customization
  • Optimization

🚀 Project & Deployment

Apply your knowledge by building a project and deploying it to a live server.

Create a clone of Netflix.com or Twitter.com (X.com).

Deploy your project to a server for real-world access.

Mastering JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript Basics

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops and Arrays

JavaScript Advanced

  • Functions and Scope
  • Objects and Prototypes
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Event Handling
  • Asynchronous JavaScript

jQuery Basics

Introduction to jQuery library for DOM manipulation

Common jQuery functions and methods

JavaScript Projects

Spotify Clone

Replicate the UI and functionality of Spotify's music player.

Use JavaScript for audio playback and DOM manipulation.

Tic Tac Toe Game

Create a classic tic tac toe game with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Implement logic for game rules and winner determination.

PDF Merger

Build a web application to merge multiple PDF files into one.

Utilize JavaScript for file handling and PDF manipulation.

Weather App

Develop a weather forecasting application using APIs.

Fetch real-time weather data and display it dynamically.

More Projects...

Explore additional JavaScript projects like calculator, to-do list, image slider, and more.

Elevating Web Development with React Mastery

React Basics

  • Introduction to React
  • Components and Props
  • State and Lifecycle
  • Handling Events
  • Conditional Rendering

React Hooks

  • useState Hook
  • useEffect Hook
  • useContext Hook
  • Custom Hooks
  • Ref and Memo Hooks

React 18 Features

Explore the latest features introduced in React 18:

  • Concurrent Mode
  • Automatic Batching
  • Error Boundaries
  • Suspense for Data Fetching
  • Time Slicing

Routing with React Router

Learn how to handle navigation and routing in React applications using React Router.

  • Basic Routing
  • Nested Routes
  • Route Parameters
  • Redirects and 404 Handling
  • Programmatic Navigation

Project Development

Build real-world projects to solidify your React skills:

  • E-commerce Website
  • Portfolio Website
  • Video Streaming Application
  • Blog or Social Media Platform
  • Task Management System

Deployment Strategies

Learn various deployment methods to showcase your projects to the world:

  • Hosting on Netlify
  • Deploying with Vercel
  • Using AWS or Azure for Backend Services
  • CI/CD Pipeline Integration
  • Custom Domain Setup

Python Fundamentals

Python Basics

  • Introduction to Python
  • Python Syntax and Data Types
  • Control Structures (if, for, while)
  • Functions and Modules
  • Working with Files

Advanced Python

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Exception Handling
  • Regular Expressions
  • Working with Databases
  • Debugging and Testing

Python Libraries

Introduction to essential Python libraries:

  • Numpy for Numerical Computing
  • Pandas for Data Analysis
  • Matplotlib for Data Visualization
  • Scikit-learn for Machine Learning
  • Requests for Web Scraping

Python Django Development

Django Basics

  • Introduction to Django Framework
  • Setting up Django Environment
  • Django Models and Databases
  • Django Views and Templates
  • Django Forms and Authentication

Advanced Django

  • Django Class-Based Views
  • RESTful APIs with Django Rest Framework
  • Django Middleware and Signals
  • Testing in Django
  • Django Deployment

Django Projects

Build real-world projects using Django:

  • E-commerce Website
  • Blog or Content Management System
  • Social Media Platform
  • Online Marketplace
  • Job Board or Recruitment Platform

PHP and CodeIgniter Development(Optional)

PHP Basics

  • Introduction to PHP Language
  • PHP Syntax and Variables
  • Control Structures and Loops
  • Functions and Arrays
  • Forms Handling and File Operations

CodeIgniter Framework

  • Introduction to CodeIgniter Framework
  • Setting up CodeIgniter Environment
  • CodeIgniter Models, Views, and Controllers
  • Database Integration with CodeIgniter
  • Form Validation and Security

CodeIgniter Projects

Build real-world projects using CodeIgniter:

  • CMS (Content Management System)
  • E-commerce Website
  • Blog or Forum Platform
  • Task Management Application
  • API Development with CodeIgniter

Git and GitHub Version Control

Git Basics

  • Introduction to Version Control
  • Setting up Git Environment
  • Git Workflow and Commands
  • Branching and Merging
  • Collaboration with Git


  • Introduction to GitHub
  • Working with GitHub Repositories
  • GitHub Collaboration Tools
  • Pull Requests and Code Reviews
  • GitHub Pages Deployment

Git Projects

Apply Git and GitHub concepts in real-world projects:

  • Version Control for Web Development Projects
  • Collaborative Coding with GitHub
  • Team-based Software Development with Git
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment with GitHub Actions
  • Git-Based Workflow for Open Source Contributions

Domain Purchase and Server Deployment

Purchase a Domain

Select and register your domain name:

  • Choose a reliable domain registrar
  • Search for available domain names
  • Complete the registration process
  • Consider domain privacy protection
  • Renew domain registration annually

Set up DNS

Configure DNS settings for your domain:

  • Access DNS management in your hosting provider's dashboard
  • Update DNS records for your domain
  • Point your domain to your hosting server's IP address
  • Set up custom DNS records (e.g., MX, CNAME)
  • Verify DNS propagation

Server Deployment

Deploy your website or application to a server:

  • Choose a hosting provider and plan
  • Access your server via SSH or FTP
  • Upload your website files or application code
  • Configure server settings (e.g., database, environment variables)
  • Test your deployment and monitor server performance

Professional Development

Mock Interviews

Practice answering common interview questions and receive feedback.

CV/Resume Building

Craft an impressive CV/resume tailored for job applications.

LinkedIn Refinement

Optimize your LinkedIn profile for networking and professional visibility.

Internship & Job Prep

Research companies, practice coding challenges, and attend career events.


Enhance verbal and written communication, and build professional relationships.

Confidence & Time Management

Boost confidence, manage time effectively, and adapt to challenges.

Note: Projects and course curriculum may change frequently based on market demand. Please inquire about the latest curriculum if required.